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During April to June 2022, the total volume of palay production in the MIMAROPA Region was estimated at 219,370 metric tons. Among provinces in the region, Oriental Mindoro’s palay production of 109,712 metric tons got the highest share of about 50.0 percent in the regional production of palay. This was followed by the production in Occidental Mindoro at 54,250 metric tons (24.7 percent share) and Palawan at 52,416 metric tons (23.9 percent share). Meanwhile, the combined palay production from Romblon and Marinduque of 2,992 metric tons was accounted to 
1.4 percent share in the MIMAROPA’s total palay production.

Palay produced in the MIMAROPA Region were predominantly grown and harvested from irrigated ecosystem at 186,201 metric tons. This accounts to 84.9 percent of the total volume of palay production in the region. Among provinces, the largest share of palay production from irrigated ecosystem during April to June 2022 was in Occidental Mindoro at 100.0 percent. Other provinces in the region whose palay production were predominantly grown and harvested from irrigated ecosystem during second quarter of 2022 were Romblon (87.7 percent), Oriental Mindoro (85.2 percent), Marinduque (78.7 percent), and Palawan (68.8 percent).


Volume of palay production down by 2.1 percent

MIMAROPA Region’s palay production of 219,370 metric tons during April to June 2022 was lower by 4,700 metric tons or 2.1 percent with respect to 224,070 metric tons of palay produced last second quarter of 2021. Among provinces, Occidental Mindoro posted the largest decline of 7,953 metric tons or 12.8 percent cut back from the same quarter in the previous year. Oriental Mindoro followed with a corresponding decrement of 2,330 metric tons (2.1 percent), relative to its production from the same quarter of the previous year.


Palay grown and harvested from irrigated ecosystem during April to June 2022 exhibited a decline by 5.5 percent at 186,201 metric tons from 196,946 metric tons from the same quarter of the previous year. The decrease was contributed by the cut back in the production of palay from irrigated farms in Occidental Mindoro and Oriental Mindoro by 7,953 metric tons, and 6,502 metric tons, respectively.


Likewise, palay production from rainfed ecosystem during the second quarter of 2022 at 33,170 metric tons went up by 6,046 metric tons from the region’s total production of 27,124 metric tons during the same quarter of the previous year. This was contributed by the increase in palay production from rainfed ecosystem in Oriental Mindoro (4,172 metric tons), Palawan (1,669 metric tons), Romblon (112 metric tons), and Marinduque (92 metric tons).

Total palay area harvested shrank by 3.7 percent 

Total area harvested for all palay ecosystems during April to June 2022 in the MIMAROPA Region reached 53,757 hectares. Among provinces, Oriental Mindoro recorded the largest area harvested at 27,142 hectares. Palawan and Occidental Mindoro followed with corresponding reported area harvested of 13,717 hectares and 12,051 hectares. Meanwhile, the area harvested from Marinduque and Romblon lagged behind at 603 hectares and 244 hectares, respectively.

The regional total area harvested exhibited a decrease by 3.7 percent or 
2,070 hectares compared to the recorded harvested area of 55,827 hectares last second quarter of 2021. Oriental Mindoro led in the decline of the region’s area of land on which palay were grown and harvested with 1,583 hectares cut back. Occidental Mindoro followed closely with a reported decrease of 1,580 hectares.


During April to June 2022, a 6.8 percentage decrease in the area harvested of the region was noted on irrigated ecosystem. Area harvested on this ecosystem registered at 44,262 hectares during second quarter of 2022 as compared to 47,506 hectares in the same quarter of 2021. The shrinkage of area harvested was contributed by Oriental Mindoro (2,357 hectares) and Occidental Mindoro (1,580 hectares).


Meanwhile, the area harvested for rainfed ecosystem during this quarter went up by 1,174 hectares or 14.1 percent at 9,495 hectares from 8,321 hectares last second quarter of 2021. Oriental Mindoro (774 metric tons), Palawan (1,053 hectares), Romblon (31 hectares), and Marinduque (5 hectares) accounted for the increase in the area harvested.

Average palay yield registered at 4.08 metric tons per hectare   

The annual average palay yield of the MIMAROPA Region during April to June 2022 was registered at 4.08 metric tons per hectare. Among provinces in the region, only Occidental Mindoro exceeded the regional average yield at 4.50 metric tons per hectare. Meanwhile, Marinduque’s annual average yield of 3.45 metric tons per hectare posted the lowest average yield.


With respect to the average palay yield during April to June 2022, the regional average yield slightly increased by 1.7 percent. This was contributed by the experienced incline in the average yield in Marinduque (15.7 percent) and Romblon (12.9 percent). Other provinces with increased yield, were Oriental Mindoro (3.6 percent) and Palawan (2.8 percent). Meanwhile, the yield of Occidental Mindoro went down by 1.7 percent. 



Palay Production Survey (PPS) is a major quarterly agricultural survey conducted by the Philippine Statistics Authority. Its main objective is to generate estimates on palay production, area and yield, and other production-related data. Production data from this survey serves as direct inputs in the value of production in the Philippine Agriculture and Fisheries, and to the computation of the Gross Domestic Product. In addition, this survey also supports the data needs of planners, policy and decision makers on palay, and stakeholders in the agricultural sector, particularly the National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA), Department of Agriculture (DA) and its attached agencies such as Philippine Rice Research Institute (PhilRice), Philippine Council for Agriculture and Fisheries (PCAF), and the general public.

Data gathered in PPS are as follows: (1) production, area planted/harvested and yield by ecosystem and by seed type; (2) usage of seeds, fertilizer and pesticides; 
(3) source of irrigation water and adequacy, monthly distribution of production and area harvested; (4) farm household disposition of production; and (5) area with standing crop, farmer’s planting intention for the quarter.


Definition of Terms

Palay production refers to the quantity of palay produced and actually harvested during the reference period. It includes those harvested but damaged, stolen, given away, consumed, given as harvesters’ and thresher’s shares, reserved, etc. Palay production from seed growers which are intended for seed purposes is excluded from the survey.

Two ecosystem types are considered in palay production. These are as follows:

1.  Irrigated ecosystem refers to area with irrigation facilities supplying water through gravity, force/power, pump, and other artificial means. 

2. Palay grown on a rainfed ecosystem has dikes that retain water and solely dependent upon rainfall for its water supply. 


Area harvested refers to the actual area from which harvests are realized. This excludes crop areas which were totally damaged. For palay, the harvest area refers to the effective area harvested during the reference quarter.


Yield is an indicator of production derived by dividing the total production by the area harvested.

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PDF PPS172022Q2SR (signed).pdf 1.21 MB

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