Number of Farms, and Total and Average Area of Farms
The 2022 Census of Agriculture and Fisheries (CAF) recorded a total of 7.43 million farms with a crop farm and/or a livestock and poultry operation as reported by the agricultural operators in the Philippines during the period of 01 January to 31 December 2022.
In the MIMAROPA Region a total of 332,719 farms were recorded during the same period. Meanwhile, the province of Oriental Mindoro was able to register 117,781 farms with a crop farm and/or a livestock and poultry operation as reported by the agricultural operators, this represents 35.4 percent of the total farm in MIMAROPA Region.
Comparing the results of the 2022 CAF from 2012 CAF, a notable increase of 42.8 percent in the number of farms was observed. However, despite the growing number of farms, the total area of agricultural farms decreased by 31.6 percent. The total farm area in 2022, at 93.380.600 hectares, is lower than 136,522 hectares recorded in 2012.

Likewise, the average farm size significantly declined from 1.7 hectares in 2012 to 0.79 hectares in 2022, reflecting a 53.4 percent decrease.
Number of Farms by Legal Status of the Operator
As mentioned earlier, between 2012 and 2022, the total number of farms grew by 42.8 percent. Of the 117,781 farms in Oriental Mindoro, individual or single proprietorship composed of the majority with 99.82 percent. However, partnership registered 0.15 percent while other legal status of the farm operator like Government-Owned and Controlled Corporations, Stock Corporation, Non-Stock/Non-profit Corporation, Cooperative, Local Government Unit, and National Government Agency recorded 0.03 percent.
In 2012 CAF, a total of 134,013 farms (98.2 percent) out of 136,522 farms reported individual or single proprietorship while 1,297 farms or 0.95 percent have a legal status of partnership.

Number and Area of Farms by Size
In 2022, 98.7 percent of total farms in the province of Oriental Mindoro had sizes less than seven hectares. Among these, 58.2 percent (68,540 farms) had size of less than 0.5 hectares and 23.8 percent (28,083 farms) had farm sizes of 1.0 to 2.9 hectares. Moreover, 10.4 percent (12,304 farms) had a size between 0.5 to 0.9 hectares and 6.2 percent (7,347 farms) had farm size between 3.0 and 6.9 hectares. The remaining 1.1 percent (1,254 farms) of farms were categorized as large farm with sizes exceeding seven hectares.

Number of Farms by Number of Farm Parcels
The total number of farms increased from 82,487 farms (2012 CAF) to 117,781 farms (2022 CAF). A substantial number of farms with one parcel was recorded comprising 92.0 percent in 2022 CAF. Farms with two parcels has 6.6 percent while farms with three or more parcels registered 1.15 percent.

Number and Area of Farm Parcels by Main Land Use
The 117,781 farms were reported to include 128,660 parcels. Among these parcels, more than one-fourth (35,814 parcels) covering a total of 36,095.091 hectares were used for growing permanent crops. Also, more than one-fourth (35,339 parcels) were homelot utilized for agricultural operations such as backyard livestock/poultry raising, vegetable gardening, etc. covering 949.490 hectares. Additionally, more than one-fifth (27,116 parcels) covering a total of 3 5,543.092 hectares were utilized for growing temporary crops.

Number of Farm Parcels by Tenure Status
About four out of ten parcels (49,781 parcels or 38.7 percent) have tenure status of owner like possession of the operators, while 23.4 percent (30,120 parcels) were operated in full ownership. Meanwhile, 15.3 percent of farm parcels were tenanted (19,716 parcels).

(Chief Administrative Officer)
Oriental Mindoro Provincial Statistical Office