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PSA Oriental Mindoro Conducts the First Quarter 2024 Inland and Aquaculture Survey


The Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) Oriental Mindoro will conduct the Quarterly Inland Fisheries Survey (QIFS) and Quarterly Aquaculture Fisheries Survey (QAqS) for the First Quarter of 2023. A total of four Statistical Researchers will be involved in the collection of data from 11 to 22 March 2024.

The Quarterly Fisheries Survey aims to generate volume and value of fisheries production by species and quarter at the provincial, regional, and national levels. Aside from its input to the policy making and program implementation, the statistics will also provide an estimation of the performance of agriculture sector in the province.

In Oriental Mindoro, the 123 sample households for the QIFS are located in the municipalities of Naujan, Victoria, Socorro, Pola, Pinamalayan, and Gloria. These samples were randomly selected from the sampling frame containing the list of inland households from the 2012 Census of Agriculture and Fisheries (CAF) using a two-stage probability proportional to size sampling design.

Further for QAqS, there are 149 sample aquafarms located across the city/municipalities of Oriental Mindoro, all of which were derived from the 2023 Updating of List of Aquaculture Farms (ULAF) using the single-stage probability proportional to size (pps) method of sample selection.

The Provincial Focal Person for the said surveys is allotted days to supervise inland fishing households and aquafarms to confirm that all operational concepts are followed, thereby ensuring reliability and accuracy of collected data.

The PSA is committed to deliver relevant and reliable statistics. Hence, the agency encourages the public, especially the sample households to participate in the various censuses and surveys conducted by the PSA. The agency also assures that all  collected personal information are processed in accordance with the law and other issuances.



(Supervising Statistical Specialist)
Oriental Mindoro Provincial Statistical Office