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Provinces in MIMAROPA Region contributed to the increase in inventory except for
Marinduque and Romblon. Palawan had the most inventory with 292,241 heads followed by
Oriental Mindoro with 126,975 heads. Oriental Mindoro, however had the most increase in
inventory with 175.94 percent followed by Palawan with 3.07 percent increase and Occidental
Mindoro with 1.95 percent.

MIMAROPA contributes 5.3 percent to the country’s total hog production in 2022

The total volume of hog production in the MIMAROPA Region in 2022 was estimated at
92,183.14 metric tons. This translated to a share of 5.3 percent in the overall hog production
of the country.

Among the provinces in the region, Palawan got the largest share of 45,360.97 metric tons
liveweight or 48.9 percent of the regional hog production. Oriental Mindoro followed with a total
production of 26,907.62 metric tons or 24.0 percent share to the regional production.

Volume of hog production in the region had a slight increase of 0.52 percent

Total volume of hog production in the region of 92,183.14 metric tons in 2022 was
472.56 metric tons or 0.52 percent higher than 91,710.58 metric tons of hog produced in the
previous year. The increment was contributed by Oriental Mindoro and Palawan with a
corresponding increase of 4,862.96 metric tons and 544.19 metric tons. However,
the 2022 production of hog in Marinduque, Occidental Mindoro, and Romblon decreased from
last year by 38.08 percent, 18.31 percent, and 1.10 percent, respectively.

Among provinces in the region, Palawan had the most share in the number of hogs
slaughtered slaughterhouses in the region with 33.6 percent share or 117,461 heads. This
was followed by Oriental Mindoro with 29.6 percent, Occidental Mindoro with 14.9 percent,
Marinduque with 13.1 percent, and Romblon with 8.8 percent.

Farmgate price of hogs for slaughter averaged at PhP 169.23 per kilogram liveweight

In 2022, farmgate price of hogs for slaughter in the MIMAROPA Region was at its highest in
April at PhP 230.49 per kilogram liveweight and at its lowest in March at PhP 141.96.
The farmgate price for the last three months of 2022 were almost stable and registered at
PhP145.13 in October, PhP 147.59 in November, and PhP 147.37 in December. The average
farmgate price from January to December 2022 was PhP 169.23 which was higher compared
to the last year’s average farmgate price of PhP 146.37.








The Swine Situation in MIMAROPA presents the industry situation in terms of volume
of production, slaughtered hogs, farmgate price, and inventory of swine in the
MIMAROPA Region. It serves as a ready reference for the various clients and
stakeholders of the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) in the agriculture sector.

The data for this report were collected by PSA through the two surveys, namely,
Backyard Livestock and Poultry Survey (BLPS) and the Commercial Livestock and
Poultry Survey (CLPS). The BLPS aims to generate estimates on the supply and
disposition of livestock and poultry commodities at the household level. In 2022, the
number of sample households covered was 21, 961 from the 1,145 sample barangays
nationwide. On the other hand, the CLPS seeks to generate estimates on the supply
and disposition of livestock and poultry commodities from the sample establishments.
There were 826 sample swine establishments covered in 2022. Both surveys are
conducted every quarter in all provinces including National Capital Region. Moreover,
the commodities covered in the surveys include: cattle, carabao, swine, goat for
livestock, chicken, duck, and other animals raised/tended by households and

The data on the number of hogs slaughtered in slaughterhouses were sourced from
the Compilation of Data from Slaughterhouses and Poultry Dressing Plants
(CDSPDP), an administrative-based activity of the PSA. This activity covers 1,281
licensed to operate meat establishments (LTOMEs) and Locally Registered Meat
Establishments (LRMEs) nationwide. This is undertaken in coordination with the
National Meat Inspection Service (NMIS) and the Local Government Units (LGUs).

Concepts and Definitions

Farmgate price - to the price received by raisers for their produce at the location of
farm. Thus, the marketing costs, such as the transport and other marketing costs (if
any) incurred in selling the produce, are not included in the farmgate prices.

Imports - the number of meat products originating from foreign country. The data on
meat importation data are compiled by the Trade Statistics Division of PSA from the
copies of Import Entry and Internal Revenue Declaration collected from the Bureau of
Customs (BOC).

Inventory - the actual number of swine present in the farm as of a specific reference

Licensed to Operate Meat Establishment (LTOME) - premises/facilities where food
animals are slaughtered for human consumption. These were then referred as
accredited slaughterhouses and poultry dressing plants.

Locally Registered Meat Establishment (LRME) - slaughterhouses, meat
processing plants, Poultry Dressing Plants, meat cutting plants, and cold storages that
are allowed to operate by the city/municipal government but are not accredited by the NMIS.

Retail price - the prices at which retailers sell their goods or commodities to
consumers in the marketplace.

Slaughterhouses (SH) are premises that are approved and registered by the NMIS
and LGUs in which food animals are slaughtered for human consumption.

Volume of production - the number of tended/raised hogs disposed for slaughter
including animals shipped-out for slaughter. This is expressed in metric tons,

Metric Ton - a unit of weight equal to 1,000 kilograms (2,205 lb).

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