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Roman Catholic account for 86.2 percent of the household population

Of the 90,105 household population in 2020, 77,632 persons (86.2 percent) reported Roman Catholic, Excluding Catholic Charismatic as their religious affiliation. It was followed by Iglesia Ni Cristo with 2,825 persons or 3.1 percent, and Evangelical Christian Outreach Foundation with 1,316 or 1.5 percent. Completing the top ten of religious affiliation were Seventh Day Adventist with 1.1 percent, Church of Christ and Jesus is Lord Christ with 0.9 percent each, Alliance of Bible Christian Communities of the Philippines with 0.8 percent, Bible Baptist Church with 0.7 percent, Door of Faith and Christian Missions in the Philippines with 0.5 percent, each.



Barangays with the highest proportion of household population that reported Roman Catholic as their religion

Of the 37 Barangays in the municipality of Pinamalayan, Oriental Mindoro, Barangays Malaya, Rosario, and Ranzo posted the highest proportion of Roman Catholic comprising 95.9 percent, each. It was followed by Barangays Palayan and Sta. Maria with 94.9 percent, each. Barangay Sabang reported the least number of household population with Roman Catholic as religion with 1,394 households or 47.3 percent. (Table 2 and Table 3)




Barangays with at least 90.0 percent of household population who reported Roman Catholic as their religion

Among the 37 Barangays in the municipality of Pinamalayan, Oriental Mindoro, there were 14 Barangays with at least 90.0 percent of household population reported Roman Catholic as their religious affiliation. These were Barangays (in order), Barangays Malaya, Rosario and Ranzo with 95.9 percent, each, Barangays Palayan and Sta. Maria with 94.9 percent, each, Barangays Calingag and Sta. Isabel with 93.2 percent, each, Barangay Pambisan Munti with 93.1 percent, Barangay Papandayan with 92.9 percent, Barangay Panggulayan with 92.1 percent, Barangay Zone I 91.9, Barangay Buli with 91.1, Barangay Quinabigan with 91.0 and lastly, Barangay Inclanay with 90.8 percent.



Barangay Banilad has the highest proportion of household population with Iglesia ni Cristo as religion

The municipality of Pinamalayan was able to register 2,825 persons (3.1 percent) who reported Iglesia ni Cristo as their religion. Of the 37 barangays in the municipality of Pinamalayan, Oriental Mindoro, Barangay Banilad posted the highest proportion of Iglesia ni Cristo with 23.3 percent as their religion. It was followed by Barangay Pagalagala with 9.7 percent, Barangay Anoling with 8.2 percent, Barangay Sabang with 7.4 percent and Barangay Delrazon with 6.4 percent. Barangay Marayos with 0.3 percent reported the least number of household population in Iglesia ni Cristo as their religion. (Table 5)



Barangays with Double-Digit Proportion of Household Population Who Reported Iglesia ni Cristo as Their Religious Affiliation

Among the 37 Barangays in the municipality of Pinamalayan, Oriental Mindoro, only Barangay Banilad with 451 or 23.3 percent has the double-digit proportion of household population reported that Iglesia ni Cristo as their religious affiliate, out of 1,933 household population. (Table 6)





(Chief Administrative Officer)
Oriental Mindoro Provincial Statistical Office



Religious Affiliation in the Philippines
(2020 Census of Population and Housing)

The population and housing censuses in the Philippines are conducted on a “de jure” basis, that is, a person is counted in the usual place of residence or the place where the person usually resides. The enumeration of the population and collection of pertinent data in the 2020 CPH referred to all living persons as of 01 May 2020.

For the 2020 CPH, data on the Religious Affiliation of all household members were collected by asking the respondents, “What is ____’s religious affiliation?”.

Definition of Terms

Household is a social unit consisting of person or a group of persons who sleep in the same housing unit and have a common arrangement in the preparation and consumption of food.

Household population refers to all persons who are members of the household.

Religious affiliation refers to a particular system of beliefs, attitudes, emotions, and behaviors constituting man’s relationship with the powers and principalities of the universe.

Religion is either defined as: (a) religious or spiritual belief of preference, regardless of whether or not this belief is represented by an organized group or (b) affiliation with an organized group having specific religious or spiritual tenets.

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