Core Regional Indicators

In support to the Sustainable Regional Development, the first RSC summit in September 2016 emphasized the need to establish the Core Regional Indicators (CoRe-Is) which consists of the minimum set of indicators that are available at the subnational level.
The outset of the CoRe-Is enables both the national and local governments make the right policies, decisions, and actions based on the needs of the local communities and supplement the key development indicators, specifically, the Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP).
The CoRe-Is was composed of a total of 98 indicators divided into three major sectors: (1) Social Statistics consisting of 59 indicators, (2) Economic Statistics with 20 indicators, and (3) Multi-Domain Statistics with 19 identified indicators;
Through PSA Resolution No. 10, series of 2017, members of the PSA Board agreed that the Philippine Statistical System (PSS) and all other government instrumentalities shall provide data needed to compile the CoRe-Is and improve its list based on the regional development goals identified by the National Economic and Development Authority, other government agencies and LGUs.