Regional Statistical Development Program

The MIMAROPA Regional Statistical Development Program (RSDP) 2018-2023 is a collection of statistical development programs of stakeholders in the region. It aims to assess issues and challenges in MIMAROPA region. Moreover, MIMAROPA RSDP identifies priority statistical development activities which will generate local level data and resolve statistical issues at the local level. The RSDP envisions for a responsive and efficient regional statistical system capable of providing high-quality statistical products and services to stakeholders.
MIMAROPA, despite being a unique region having island provinces, has an established functional Regional Statistics Committee (RSC), as its strength, with highly competent members who provide direction and guidance to the regional/local statistics development activities. They strengthen the statistical coordination in the region and commitment to provide quality statistics to all stakeholders. With the strong, consistent linkage and coordination of RSC members to stakeholders the generation of statistical development programs in the region continuously improve.
On the other hand, limited manpower to respond to the increasing demand for statistics is the primary weakness in MIMAROPA alongside with geographical location, budgetary constraints and lack of local level statistics.
The formulation of the MIMAROPA RSDP is considered an opportunity for the subnational statistical system to help support the statistical needs of local development planning in implementation, monitoring and evaluation of programs. Likewise, the availability of modern information technology facilities results to efficient production and dissemination of data.
The geographical location of MIMAROPA is considered a challenge because it makes the region prone to weather disturbances. Another is the presence of rebel groups that could hamper the collection, monitoring and reporting of data.