Regional Social and Economic Trends (RSET)

The Regional Social and Economic Trends (RSET) presents time series statistical information about the economic and social environment of MIMAROPA. Various data are disaggregated in different dimensions useful in the conduct of strategic planning, policy, program and project formulation, business/investment decision-making, research, and feasibility studies. The information is intended to meet the needs of a wide range of data users such as government agencies/units, non-government organizations, business firms, entrepreneurs, students, international institutions, and the general public.
The RSET includes a glossary of terms that provides the definition of selected statistical terminologies not widely understood by the general public. Since the 2022 edition of RSET MIMAROPA, it contains time series and cross-sectional data on 18 sectors/subject areas of general interest. The newly added sector pertains to Science and Technology Statistics.