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Marital Status of Household Population in the MIMAROPA Region (2020 Census of Population and Housing)

Nearly two out of five persons were never married Based on the 2020 Census of Population and Housing (2020 CPH), the MIMAROPA Region had a household population of 3,212,287 persons. Of this total,…

Land Ownership by Households in the MIMAROPA Region (2020 Census of Population and Housing)

Three in every ten households in the MIMAROPA Region own other land In the 2020 Census of Population and Housing (2020 CPH), 243.6 thousand households or 30.7 percent of the total 792.8…

Foreign Citizens in the MIMAROPA Region (2020 Census of Population and Housing)

One in every 1,000 residents in MIMAROPA is a foreign citizen In 2020, about 3,209,391 or 99.9 percent of the 3,212,287 household population in the MIMAROPA Region are Filipino citizens.…