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Oriental Mindoro Fisheries Statistics - First Quarter 2024


Volume of Fisheries Production

During the first quarter of 2024, the total fisheries production in Oriental Mindoro was estimated at 1,569.80 metric tons. It grew by 31.4 percent from its previous year’s output of 1,194.77 metric tons.


Figure 1. Volume of Fisheries Production and Annual Growth Rate,
Oriental Mindoro: First Quarter 2022, 2023, and 2024


All fisheries subsectors displayed increase in production.



Volume of Production by Subsector

For the first quarter of 2024, the commercial fisheries output displayed an increase of 6.1 percent at 401.10 metric tons compared to the same quarter of last year’s volume of production of 378.00 metric tons. This subsector shared 25.5 percent in the total fisheries production of the province.


Figure 2. Volume of Commercial Fisheries Production and Annual Growth Rate,
Oriental Mindoro: First Quarter 2022, 2023, and 2024


Marine municipal fisheries’ volume of production was recorded at 719.9 metric tons during the quarter. Comparing to 2023 production of 483.49 metric tons, this year’s output displayed a 48.9 percent increase in production. Of the province’s total fisheries production, the subsector constituted the biggest share of 45.9 percent.


Figure 3. Volume of Marine Municipal Fisheries Production and Annual Growth Rate,
Oriental Mindoro: First Quarter 2022, 2023, and 2024


The subsector of inland municipal fisheries registered 296.6 metric tons volume of production, contributing 18.9 percent share to the total fisheries of the province. This quarter’s production increased by 10.1 percent from same quarter of last year’s production of 269.47 metric tons.


Figure 4. Volume of Inland Fisheries Production and Annual Growth Rate,
Oriental Mindoro: First Quarter 2022, 2023, and 2024


Total harvests from aquaculture farms were recorded at 152.20 metric tons. This volume displayed a 138.5 percent increase compared to the first quarter 2023 harvests of 63.81 metric tons. Aquaculture subsector had the share of 9.7 percent to the total fisheries production of the province.


Figure 5. Volume of Aquaculture Production and Annual Growth Rate,
Oriental Mindoro: First Quarter 2022, 2023, and 2024



Value of Fisheries Production

Oriental Mindoro’s total value of fisheries production reached PhP 228.32 million in the first quarter of 2024, which is an increase of 35.26 percent compared to the PhP 168.80 million value of production in the first quarter of the previous year.

All subsectors posted an increase in the value of production during the reference period compared with the value in the same quarter of 2023. Commercial fisheries reported a total value of PhP 59.64 million which is a 15.8 percent increase from last year’s value of PhP 51.51 million. Marine municipal fisheries value of production also went up by 18.4 percent (PhP 99.21 million from PhP 83.81 million). Inland municipal’s value of production increased by 26.3 percent (Php 26.79 million from Php 21.21 million); and aquaculture by 247.8 percent (Php 42.69 million from Php 12.27 million).




(Chief Administrative Officer)
Oriental Mindoro Provincial Statistical Office




The Fisheries Situation Report presents the data on volume and value of production of fisheries derived from the quarterly surveys conducted by the Philippine Statistics Authority. The surveys are:
                Quarterly Commercial Fisheries Survey (QCFS),
                Quartely Municipal Fisheries Survey (QMFS),
                Quarterly Inland Fisheries Survey (QIFS), and
                Quarterly Aquaculture Survey (QaqS).

These surveys are conducted quarterly with reference period: January to March for the First Quarter, April to June for the Second Quarter, July to September for the Third Quarter, and October to December for the Fourth Quarter. Data are collected from the sample fish landing centers for QCFS and QMFS, from sample households for QIFS, and from sample aquafarms for QAqS.


Volume of Production is the total weight in metric tons of the species from commercial, municipal, aquaculture, and inland fisheries.

Value of Production is the total price in thousand pesos of the species from commercial, municipal, aquaculture, and inland fisheries.

Commercial Fishing covers fishing operations in marine waters beyond 15 kilometers from the shoreline by fishing boats with more than three (3) gross tons.

Marine Municipal Fishing covers fishing operations in marine waters within 15 kilometers from the shoreline by fishing boats with three (3) gross tons or less.

Inland Municipal Fishing covers fishing operations performed in inland bodies of water using fishing vessels of three (3) gross tons or less, or fishing not requiring the use of fishing vessels.

Aquaculture is fishery operation involving all forms of raising and culturing of fish and other fishery species in marine, brackish and freshwater environment. Examples are fishponds, fish pens, fish cages, mussel, oyster, seaweed farms and hatcheries.

Fish Landing Center is the place where the fish catch and other aquatic products are loaded and traded.

Aquafarm is the farming facility used in the culture or propagation of aquatic species including fish, mollusk, crustaceans and aquatic plants for purposes of rearing and culturing to enhance production.

Oriental Mindoro Fisheries Statistics - First Quarter 2024

Volume of Fisheries Production During the first quarter of 2024, the total fisheries production in Oriental Mindoro was estimated at 1,569.80 metric tons. It grew by 31.4 percent from its previous…