10 SEPTEMBER 2024 – HINANGGAYON, MOGPOG, MARINDUQUE. On 10 September 2024, PSA-Marinduque, in collaboration with the Local Government Unit (LGU) of Mogpog and through the initiative of the Mogpog LCRO, successfully conducted Mobile Civil Registration Services in Barangay Hinanggayon, Mogpog, Marinduque.
BRC Shiela Mae Matining, alongside Mogpog LCRO staff Hannah Ditan and staff, provided valuable information on civil registration laws and the process for delayed registrations through the Birth Registration Assistance Project (BRAP). They also delivered various services, including the acceptance of requests for civil registry documents through the Mogpog BREQS.
During the event, potential beneficiaries for delayed registration under BRAP were identified and listed for verification in the PSA database. Senior citizens in the barangay were provided with Certificates of Live Birth (COLBs) on security paper at no cost through the GAD Fund project by the Mogpog LCRO. Additionally, one BRAP beneficiary received a PSA-issued Birth Certificate, expressing heartfelt thanks for obtaining her birth certificate, free of charge. Leaflets regarding civil registration were also distributed to the residents present in that activity.
The successful collaboration between PSA and the LCRO led to a streamlined registration process, demonstrating their commitment to improving civil registration services for residents. The information dissemination activity in Brgy. Hinanggayon, Mogpog, was notably effective, providing many individuals with valuable knowledge about civil registration. PSO Marinduque and Mogpog LCRO plans to expand these efforts to other barangays in Mogpog, aiming to ensure comprehensive coverage and support for all unregistered individuals in the municipality.
For any questions or need further clarification, please reach us via email at marinduque@psa.gov.ph. Alternatively, you can also reach us via our landline numbers: (042)332-0848 or (042)754-0024.
Chief Statistical Specialist