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All Establishments in the MIMAROPA Region, by Employment Grouping (2022 Annual Survey of Philippine Business and Industry)

Release Date:
Reference Number: 2024-SR-110

Micro establishments accounted for the highest share to the total number of establishments

The 2022 Annual Survey of Philippine Business and Industry (ASPBI) final results showed that a total of 5,497 establishments in the formal sector of the MIMAROPA Region’s economy were engaged in 2022. Micro establishments accounted for the highest share with 4,079 establishments or 74.2 percent of the total number of establishments in 2022. This was followed by small establishments with 1,371 establishments or 24.9 percent share. Medium and large establishments recorded the least number with 24 (0.4%) and 23 (0.4%) establishments, respectively. (Figure 1 and Table A)

Small establishments employed the highest number of workers

The total employment for all establishments in the MIMAROPA Region reached 59,307 workers in 2022, which indicates an annual increase of 5.3 percent from the 56,336 workers reported in 2021. (Figure 2 and Table B)

In 2022, small establishments employed the highest number with 29,994 workers or 50.5 percent of the total employment in 2022. Micro establishments ranked second, with a recorded total employment of 15,324 workers (25.8%), while large establishments ranked third with 10,782 workers (18.2%). On the other hand, medium establishments hired the least number of 3,257 workers (5.5%). (Figure 2 and Table B)

In terms of employment per establishment, the region registered an average number of 11 workers per establishment in 2022. This indicates an annual increase of 10.0 percent from the reported average number of 10 workers per establishment in 2021.  Large establishments recorded an average number of 449 workers per establishment. This was followed by medium establishments with a reported average number of 142 workers per establishment. Meanwhile, small and micro establishments registered average numbers of 22 workers and four workers per establishment, respectively. (Tables A and B)

Large establishments paid the highest average annual compensation per paid employee

The total compensation paid by all establishments in the formal sector to their employees in 2022 reached PhP 11.49 billion, which indicates an increase of 11.2 percent from the PhP 10.33 billion total compensation paid in 2021. This translates to an average annual compensation of PhP 201.06 thousand per paid employee in 2022. (Figure 3, and Tables C and D)

Most of the total compensation was paid by small establishments with PhP 4.54 billion or 39.6 percent of the total compensation in 2022.  This was followed by large establishments paying PhP 4.02 billion (35.0%), micro establishments paying PhP 2.32 billion (20.2%), and medium establishments paying PhP 608.37 million (5.3%) total compensation. (Figure 3 and Table C)

Large establishments paid the highest average annual compensation of PhP 373.87 thousand per paid employee, exceeding the regional average in 2022. This was followed by medium establishments paying PhP 189.23 thousand per paid employee, small establishments with PhP 159.00 thousand per paid employee, and micro establishments with PhP 158.70 thousand per paid employee. (Figure 3 and Table D)

Large establishments contributed the highest share to total revenue and total expense

The total revenue earned by all establishments in the formal sector was estimated at PhP 141.14 billion in 2022, which indicates an annual decrease of 1.2 percent from the PhP 142.81 billion total revenue earned in 2021.  Meanwhile, all establishments incurred a total expense of PhP 122.93 billion in 2022, an increase of 1.9 percent from the PhP 120.59 trillion total expense in 2021. (Figure 4, and Tables E and F)

Among employment groupings, small establishments generated the highest total revenue of PhP 63.81 billion (45.2%) and incurred a total expense of PhP 59.82 billion (48.7%) in 2022. These indicate annual increases of 6.9 percent and 10.1 percent, respectively. Large establishments ranked second, with recorded total revenue of PhP 48.31 billion (34.2%) and total expense of PhP 37.77 billion (30.7%). Micro establishments ranked third, with PhP 22.60 (16.0%) total revenue and PhP 19.33 billion (15.7%) total expense. On the other hand, medium establishments recorded the lowest total revenue and total expense of PhP 6.42 billion (4.5%) and PhP 6.01 billion (4.9%), respectively. (Figure 4, and Tables E and F)

Furthermore, in terms of revenue per expense ratio, large establishments recorded the highest, with 1.28 in 2022. This was followed by micro establishments with revenue per expense ratio of 1.17, while small and medium establishments each had revenue per expense ratio of 1.07. (Table G)

Small establishments generated majority of sales from e-commerce transactions

E-commerce transaction is the sale or purchase of goods or services in businesses, households, individuals, government, and other public or private organizations, conducted over the Internet. The goods and services are ordered over the Internet, but the payment and the ultimate delivery of the good or service may be conducted on or offline.

Total sales from e-commerce transactions by all establishments in the formal sector in 2022 amounted to PhP 144.81 million, which indicates an annual decrease of 17.1 percent from the PhP 174.70 million total sales from e-commerce transactions in 2021. Only small and micro establishments generated the sales amounting to PhP 136.80 million (94.5%) and PhP 8.01 million (5.5%), respectively. (Table H)


Regional Director