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Internet Access and Use by Households in Palawan and City of Puerto Princesa (2020 CPH)

Release Date:
Reference Number: 2024-SR-39

Two in every five households in Palawan while three in every five households in the City of Puerto Princesa had Internet access

As of 12:01 a.m. of 01 May 2020, of those 230,809 households in the province of Palawan (excluding the City of Puerto Princesa), 37.7 percent reported that they have access to the Internet. This was 14.4 percentage points lower than the regional rate of 52.1 percent. (Table A and Figure 1)

Meanwhile in the City of Puerto Princesa, 59.7 percent of its total 82,100 households, had access to the Internet. This rate is 7.6 percentage points higher than the regional rate of 52.1 percent. (Table A and Figure 1)

Among municipalities, Coron had the highest proportion of its households with Internet access at 56.6 percent.  This was closely followed by Narra (52.6%), Agutaya (51.1%), San Vicente (50.1%), and Busuanga (47.9%). Meanwhile, Balabac had the lowest proportion with more than three in every 20 of its households or 15.7 percent have access to the Internet. This was followed by Kalayaan with 17.1 percent.  (Figure 1)

Narra had the greatest number of households in the province that have access to the Internet

In terms of share to the total number of households in the province, Narra posted the highest number of households having Internet access with 11.8 percent share. This was closely followed by Coron with a corresponding share to the total household who access the Internet at 10.7 percent. Araceli, on the other hand, posted the lowest number of households with Internet access at 1.1 percent. (Table 1) 

Most households with Internet access reported mobile broadband network as their main type of Internet connection

It was reported that more than 17 in every 20 households in Palawan (excluding the City of Puerto Princesa) or 87.3 percent have Internet connection through a mobile broadband network. This is an internet connection via a handset, a card (integrated Subscriber Identity Module or SIM card) or a USB modem. Meanwhile, nearly three in every four households in the City of Puerto Princesa or 74.1 percent have been accessing the Internet using this type of network. (Figure 2)

Satellite broadband network was the second most used way to access the Internet as reported by 15.9 percent of the total households in the City of Puerto Princesa, while 5.7 percent across the municipalities of Palawan.

Internet connection through fixed (wired) narrowband / broadband network ranked third by one in every 20 households in the highly urbanized city (5.4%) and in the remaining municipalities of Palawan (4.5%). Meanwhile, Internet connection through fixed (wireless) broadband network were least reported by households in the highly urbanized city (4.5%) and to the rest of the province (2.3%). (Figure 2). 

Mobile broadband was the most common type of Internet connection in Narra

Across all households in the province of Palawan (excluding the City of Puerto Princesa) that reported mobile broadband network as their main type of Internet connection, Narra had the highest number of households with 12.0 percent out of the total 79,884 households in the province. This was followed by Corn with 11.2 percent and Brooke’s Point with 9.4 percent. (Table 2)

For the fixed (wired) broadband network, Narra posted the greatest share with 18.6 percent of the total 4,329 households in the province. This was followed by Bataraza (11.0%) and Roxas (9.5%). (Table 2)

Satellite broadband was the most common type of Internet connection in Dumaran

Dumaran had the highest share of 14.2 percent of the provincial total of 5,172 households that uses satellite broadband network as the main type of Internet connection. Rizal and Busuanga followed with a share of 13.0 percent and 9.6 percent, respectively. (Table 2)

Bataraza got the largest share with 17.9 percent of the total 2,110 households in the province who access the Internet through the fixed (wireless) broadband network. This was followed by Narra (16.5%) and Aborlan (12.7%). (Table 2)

Nearly half of the households used the Internet at home

Home was where most households in all city and municipalities of Palawan connect to the Internet. This was reported by 48.0 percent of the total households in Palawan (excluding the City of Puerto Princesa, and 41.4 percent of the total households in the City of Puerto Princesa in 2020.  (Table B and Figure 3) 

This was followed by those utilizing the Internet in mobility, via mobile cellular telephone or other handheld devices that are connected to a mobile phone network, as reported by 18.0 percent of all households across all municipalities of Palawan. Meanwhile, usage of the Internet at the workplace and at school came next with a share of 11.4 percent and 10.1 percent, respectively. (Table B and Figure 3)

In the City of Puerto Princesa, on the other hand, usage of the Internet at the workplace ranked second as reported by 16.6 percent of the total number of households residing in the city. In mobility and at school followed with a corresponding share of 16.4 percent and 10.5 percent. (Table B and Figure 3)

Across all households in the province that reported their location they commonly access the Internet, Coron had the highest number of households with 14.1 percent out of 33,157 households in the province who access Internet in mobility. Likewise, the same municipality posted the highest share among households that utilizes the Internet across location, namely: in a private establishment (32.7%),  at an Internet Café or computer shop (26.8%), at another person’s home (24.5%), at a public place (18.2%), at the workplace (16.3%), and at school (11.4%).  (Table B)

Meanwhile, Narra ranked first with 11.9 percent of 88,308 households in the province who use the Internet at home. (Table B)

The statistics presented in this report were based on the information provided by the respondent or any responsible household member who may provide accurate answers to the questions and give correct information about the household.  

The following data items were collected by the enumerator from a sample of 20 percent of the total households in the enumeration area/s using CPH Form 3 (Sample Household Questionnaire) or CPH Form 7 (Self-Administered Questionnaire for Sample Household):

1.    Internet access (“What type/s of internet access is/are available at home?”), and
2.  Internet use (“Where did this household member/s use the internet in the last three (3) months?”)


Regional Director