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Land Ownership in Roxas, Oriental Mindoro (Results of 2020 Census of Population and Housing)

Release Date:
Reference Number: 2024-SR-133


26.7 percent households in Roxas, Oriental Mindoro own other land

Based on the 2020 Census of Population and Housing (2020 CPH), 3,615 households or 26.7 percent of the total 13,564 households in Roxas, Oriental Mindoro reported that they own at least one type of land apart from the land that they own/occupy at the time of the census.



Among the 20 barangays of Roxas, Oriental Mindoro, Barangay San Vicente had the highest percentage of households with at least one type of land they owned other than the land they occupy, with 80.1 percent or 1,040 households. It was followed by Barangay Little Tanauan, which had 38.1 percent or 94 households, and Barangay Maraska, with 31.9 percent or 52 households.

Meanwhile, Barangay Mabuhay had the lowest proportion of households with at least one type of land they owned other than the land they occupy with 2.7 percent or 10 households in Roxas, Oriental Mindoro.


18.9 percent households in Roxas, Oriental Mindoro own agricultural land/s

Of the total 13,564 households, 2,563 households or 18.9 percent were reported to own agricultural land/s. A total of 1,752 households or 12.9 percent owned other residential land/s, and 115 households or 0.8 percent were agrarian reform beneficiaries who owned agricultural land acquired through the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program (CARP). Only five households or 0.04 percent had members who owned other types of land/s.



Barangay Bagumbayan records the biggest number of households that own other residential land/s

Barangay Bagumbayan recorded the highest number of households that own other residential lands, with 324 household (18.5%) in Roxas, Oriental Mindoro, followed by Barangay San Vicente with 312 households (17.8%) and Barangay San Mariano with 184 households (10.5%) of the total households that own residential land/s.

On the other hand, Barangay Mabuhay recorded the fewest households that own residential land, with 1 household (0.1%) of the total households that own other residential land/s in Roxas, Oriental Mindoro.



Number of households that own agricultural land/s were highest in Barangay San Vicente

Barangay San Vicente had the highest number of households that own agricultural lands with 1,003 households or 39.1 percent of the total number of households that own agricultural land in Roxas, Oriental Mindoro. It was followed by Barangay San Mariano, with 273 households (10.7%), and Barangay Bagumbayan, with 204 households (8.0%).

Meanwhile, the least number of households that own agricultural land/s in Roxas, Oriental Mindoro was found in Barangay Mabuhay with 9 households or 0.4 percent.



Ownership of agricultural land/s acquired through CARP is most common in Barangay San Isidro

The highest number of households that own agricultural land/s acquired through the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program (CARP) in the municipality of Roxas, Oriental Mindoro was registered in Barangay San Isidro with 73 households or 63.5 percent. It was followed by the Barangay Victoria with 10 households or 8.7 percent and Barangay San Mariano with 8 households or 15.9 percent.

However, Barangays Dangay, Libertad, Libtong, San Aquilino, San Miguel, San rafael, and Little Tanauan recorded one households, each, that own agricultural land/s acquired through CARP in Roxas, Oriental Mindoro.



Only two barangays that own other types of land/s in Roxas, Oriental Mindoro

Barangay Bagumbayan recorded the the highest total number of households that own other types of land with 4 households including those used for commercial, industrial, or recreational purposes, while Barangay San Aquilino with 1 household. The remaining barangays had no recorded households owning other types of land in Roxas, Oriental Mindoro.

The statistics presented in this report were based on the information provided by the respondent or any responsible household member who may provide accurate answers to the questions and give correct information about the household. Moreover, the number of households in this report excludes households enumerated as homeless.

In the 2020 CPH, data on land ownership were collected by asking the respondents, “Does any member of this household own the following?
1. Other residential land/s;
2. Agricultural land/s;
3. Agricultural land/s acquired through Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program, as an agrarian reform beneficiary;
4. Other land/s.




(Chief Administrative Officer)
Oriental Mindoro Provincial Statistical Office




The population and housing censuses in the Philippines are conducted on a “de jure” basis, wherein a person is counted in the usual place of residence or the place where the person usually resides. The enumeration of the population and collection of pertinent data in the 2020 CPH referred to all living persons as of 01 May 2020.

For land ownership in the 2020 CPH, the respondent was asked, “Does any member of this household own the following...?” This determines if the household has any member/s who own other lands aside from the one that the household is currently occupying. The data were collected using the CPH Form 2 (Common Household Questionnaire).



Household is a social unit consisting of a person or a group of persons who sleep in the same housing unit and have a common arrangement in the preparation and consumption of food.

Agricultural Land/s refers to land/s devoted to or suitable for the cultivation of the soil, planting of crops, growing of trees, raising of livestock, poultry, fish, or aquaculture production, including the harvesting of such farm products, and other farm activities and practices performed in conjunction with such farming operations by persons whether natural or juridical and not classified by law as mineral land, forest land, residential land, commercial land, and industrial land.

Residential Land/s refers to All lands that have been identified and zoned as residential through the appropriate ordinance by the Local Government Unit (LGU) having jurisdiction over the area. These include residential lands within areas zoned as mixed residential and commercial or mixed residential and industrial (Source: RA 10023, Series of 2010).

Other Residential Land refers to residential lands that the household owns other than the one they are occupying.

Other Land/s include commercial lands, industrial lands, ancestral domains, and ancestral lands. The last two categories are distinguished from Torrens Title and other tenurial instruments granted by a government agency or by the court.

Agricultural land/s, acquired through Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program, Agrarian Reform Beneficiary pertains to land ownership acquired through Emancipation Patent (EP) Holder, Certificate of Land Ownership Award (CLOA), and Homestead Patent (HP), Leasehold Contract (LC).