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Enjoining The Support And Participation Of Agencies In The Observance Of 34th National Statistics Month (NSM) In October 2023

Resolution Number: 2023-10
Release Date:

WHEREAS, the Presidential Proclamation No. 647, issued by then President Corazon C. Aquino, "Declaring the Month of October of Every Year as the National Statistics Month";

WHEREAS, the annual celebration of the NSM aims to (a) promote, enhance, and instill nationwide awareness and appreciation of the importance and value of statistics to the different sectors of society and (b) elicit the cooperation and support of the general public in upgrading the quality and standards of statistics in the country;

WHEREAS, the Regional Statistics Committee being the highest policymaking body on statistical matters in the region has been designated as the coordinating body for all the NSM activities in the region;


RESOLVED, AS IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED, to enjoin all agencies of the government, local government units, academic institutions, state universities and colleges, and the private sector to support the celebration of the 34th NSM by providing their calendar of activities on or before July 20, 2023.

RESOLVED FINALLY, That all agencies concerned be copied of this resolution for information and support.


Done this 12th day of May in the year of our Lord Two Thousand and Twenty-Three in Calapan City via Zoom.


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