WHEREAS, pursuant to Republic Act No. 10625, the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) shall be primarily responsible for all national censuses and surveys, including sectoral statistics, consolidation of administrative recording systems, and compilation of national accounts;
WHEREAS, Republic Act No. 11315, otherwise known as the Community-Based Monitoring System (CBMS) Act was approved on 17 April 2019 with the PSA being the implementing agency;
WHEREAS, the CBMS is an organized technology-based system of collecting, processing, and necessary disaggregated data, that may be used for planning, program implementation and impact monitoring at
the local level while empowering communities to participate in the process;
WHEREAS, the rollout of the CBMS will be conducted in 2024 simultaneously with the Census of Population (POPCEN) as a cost-efficient strategy of the agency primarily designed to update the population count and social registries of the Philippines;
WHEREAS, PSA Board Resolution No. 05, s. 2024 states that the RSC can be designated as the Regional Census - CBMS Coordinating Board, with the inclusion of other concerned agencies/organizations;
WHEREAS, the non-RSC member agencies to be added as members of the Regional Census - CBMS Coordinating Board for the purpose only of the 2024 POPCEN-CBMS are DOE MIMAROPA, CPD MIMAROPA, and OCD MIMAROPA;
RESOLVED, AS IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED, that DOE MIMAROPA, CPD MIMAROPA, and OCD MIMAROPA be added as members of the Regional Census - CBMS Coordinating Board for the sole purpose of the 2024 POPCEN-CBMS.
RESOLVED FINALLY, That copies of this resolution be furnished to all concerned;
Done this 17th day of May in the year of our Lord Two Thousand and Twenty-Four in Calapan City.