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Nearly 17 in every 200 MIMAROPAns are Senior Citizens
As of 01 May 2020, the total population of Senior Citizens in the MIMAROPA Region reached 272,834 persons which comprises 8.5 percent of the region’s total population of 3,228,558 persons. Senior Citizen is defined as any person whose age is at least 60 years old as stipulated in Section 3A of the Republic Act 9994. In the global setting, older persons refer to those aged 60 years old or over. (Table 1 and Table A)

Among provinces in the region, Oriental Mindoro had the highest number of Senior Citizens at 78.6 thousand persons. This constitutes 28.8 percent of the regional population of Senior Citizens. Palawan (excluding the City of Puerto Princesa) followed with nearly 68.0 thousand persons (24.9%). Meanwhile, Marinduque had the lowest number of Senior Citizens at 29.4 thousand persons (10.8%). (Table A)

In terms of the share of Senior Citizens to the provincial population, Marinduque got the top spot with nearly one in every eight of its population or 12.3 percent were Senior Citizens. Romblon followed with about one in every nine persons or 10.9 percent fell in the age group of 60 years old and over. Meanwhile, Senior Citizens in Palawan and the highly urbanized City of Puerto Princesa got 7.2 percent and 7.3 percent share to its total population, respectively. (Table 1)

Sex ratio among Senior Citizens stands at 84 males per 100 females

Of the 272.8 thousand MIMAROPAns whose age is at least 60 years old, about 148.3 thousand (54.3%) were female while nearly 124.6 thousand (45.7%) were male. This translates to a sex ratio of 84 males for every 100 females.  (Figure 2 and Table A)

Among age groups, MIMAROPAns between 60 and 64 years old had the largest share to the Senior Citizen sector at 97.8 thousand or 35.9 percent of the regional population of Senior Citizens.  Of these, 49.0 thousand (18.0%) were male and 48.8 thousand (17.9%) were female. The sex ratio in this age group corresponds to a nearly 100 males per 100 females. (Figure 2 and Table A)

Meanwhile, there were more female than male belonging to the age group 65 years and over. Of the 69.8 thousand MIMAROPAns 65 to 69 years old, 52.1 percent were female and 47.9 percent were male. This translates to a sex ratio of 92 males per 100 females. Moreover, lower sex ratio was observed at the following age groups, namely: 70 to 74 years with 79 males for every 100 females, 75 to 79 years with 68 males per 100 females, and 80 years and over with only 49 males for every 
100 females. (Figure 2 and Table A)

Three in every five Senior Citizens are legally married

Of the 272.8 thousand persons aged 60 years and over in the MIMAROPA Region, 59.7 percent were legally married, while 29.5 percent were never widowed. The rest of the total population of Senior Citizens was categorized as follows: in common-law or live-in marital arrangement (6.5%), never married (2.1%), and divorced, separated or annulled (2.1%). (Figure 3 and Table B)

In terms of distribution of Senior Citizens by sex, 74.2 percent of 124.6 thousand male Senior Citizens in the region were legally married, while 47.5 percent of the region’s 148.3 thousand female Senior Citizens were legally married. This was followed by widowed persons whose age is at least 60 years old with 13.7 percent share among male Senior Citizens and 42.9 percent share among female Senior Citizens. (Table 2a)

Among the legally married persons, a higher proportion of male Senior Citizens (56.8%) were reported in 2020. The same trend was observed among in common-law or live-in marital arrangements persons (54.2%) and among divorced, separated or annulled persons (52.1%). Meanwhile, the proportion of female Senior Citizen was higher than males among never married (58.4%) and widowed (78.8%) persons. (Table 2b)

Roman Catholics account for 75.8 percent of the region’s total Senior Citizens
Of the 272.8 thousand persons 60 years old and over in the MIMAROPA Region, about three in every four Senior Citizens or 75.8 percent reported Roman Catholic as their religious affiliation. It was followed by Iglesia ni Cristo with 10.1 thousand Senior Citizens (3.7%) and Seventh Day Adventist with more than 6.2 thousand Senior Citizens (2.3%). (Table 3 and Table C)

Seven in every nine Senior Citizens are Non-Indigenous Peoples

Among 272.8 thousand persons 60 years old and over in the region, 212.3 thousand Senior Citizens (77.8%) were classified as non-Indigenous Peoples.  This was followed by 54.9 thousand Senior Citizens (20.1%) who belonged to ethnic groups solely identified by the National Commission on Indigenous People (NCIP) as Indigenous Peoples. Meanwhile, the remaining 5.6 thousand Senior Citizens were part of Muslim tribes identified by the National Commission on Muslim Filipinos (NCMF), or had a foreign ethnicity.  (Figure 4 and Table D)

One in every 250 Senior Citizen residents are foreign citizen or have dual citizenship

In 2020, about 271.8 thousand persons whose age is at least 60 years old in the MIMAROPA Region are Filipino citizens which comprised 99.6 percent of the total Senior Citizens in the region. Meanwhile, 406 Senior Citizens had dual citizenship (0.2%) and 582 Senior Citizens were foreign citizens (0.2%). (Table 4)

Moreover, of the 406 Senior Citizens with dual citizenship that resides in the MIMAROPA Region, about 47.3 percent were Filipino-Americans with 192 persons. Filipino-Germans totaled to 50 persons (12.3%), while Filipino-Canadians reached 33 persons (8.1%). (Table E)

Furthermore, the highest number of foreign citizens in the region whose age is at least 60 years old came from the United States of America with 101 persons (17.4%). It was followed by foreign citizens from Germany with 72 persons (12.4%) and Australia with 44 persons (7.6%). (Table F)

Fourteen in every 25 Senior Citizens attain elementary level

Among 272.8 thousand Senior Citizens, about 153.6 thousand persons or 56.3 percent had reached or completed elementary (graduate: 27.7%, and undergraduate: 28.5%). This was followed by those Senior Citizens who reached or completed high school level at 59.8 thousand or 21.9 percent (graduate: 13.0%, and undergraduate: 8.9%) and college level at 37.2 thousand or 13.7 percent (graduate: 8.7%, and undergraduate: 4.9%). Meanwhile, more than one in every 20 Senior Citizens in the region or 5.6 percent had no grade completed. (Figure 5 and Table G)

Literacy rate of Senior Citizens in the MIMAROPA Region reaches 94.6 percent

In 2020, a total of 271.8 thousand persons 60 years old and over were living in a group of households in the MIMAROPA Region which accounts to 99.6 percent of the total number of Senior Citizens in the region.  (Table A)

Of these, there were 257.2 thousand Senior Citizens who are able to read and write a simple message in any language or dialect. This translates to the literacy rate of Senior Citizens at 94.6 percent which is 1.0 percentage point lower than the overall regional literacy rate. In terms of sex, the literacy rate of male Senior Citizens was at 94.8 percent, while the literacy rate among female Senior Citizens was at 94.5 percent.  (Figure 6 and Table H)

Eight out of nine Senior Citizen residents in institutional living quarters are male

In 2020, the institutional population of persons 60 years old and over reached nearly 1.1 thousand or 0.4 percent of the regional total population of Senior Citizens. Of these, nearly 0.9 thousand persons who reside in institutional living quarters (ILQs) were males (87.2%), while the remaining 0.1 thousand Senior Citizens were females (12.8%).  (Table 5 and Table I)

Among ILQs, more than three in every four Senior Citizens or 75.7 percent were residents in corrective and penal institutions. Convent, nunnery, seminary, and boarding school came next with 10.3 percent of the total number of Senior Citizen residents in an ILQ. Those residing in hotels, motels, lodging houses, and dormitories came third with 8.5 percent share. (Table 5)

The statistics presented in this special release were based on the information provided by the respondent or any responsible member in the household or ILQ who may provide accurate answers to the questions and give correct information about the household.


Regional Director


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