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Age-Sex Pyramid of the household population of the province of Oriental Mindoro based from the results of the 2020 Census of Population and Housing (2020 CPH) and the 2015 Census of Population (POPCEN 2015)

As of 01 May 2020, Oriental Mindoro had a total population of 908,339 persons based from the results of the 2020 CPH. Of this total, the household population comprised 99.82 percent or 906,661 persons.

Of these, 458,903 persons (50.61%) were males while 447,758 persons (49.39%) were females. By age group, 290,410 persons (32.03%) were under 15 years of age (young dependents). On the other hand, persons aged 15 to 64 years (working-age or economically-active population) totaled to 566,367 (62.47%), while those in age groups 65 years and over (old dependents) comprised the remaining 49,884 persons (5.50%). In 2015, persons aged 0 to 14 years, 15 to 64 years, and 65 years and over accounted for 34.78 percent, 60.49 percent, and 4.72 percent, respectively, of the household population. (Tables A and B)

The 0 to 59 age group had 91.34 percent share to the household population of Occidental Mindoro in 2020. In particular, males belonging to this age group had 92.49 percent share to the male household population, while females in this age group had 90.15 percent share to the female household population in the region.  Meanwhile, among the older age group (60 years and over), females had 9.85 percent share to the female household population while males only got 7.51 percent share to the male household population. The same trend for both age groups 0 to 59 and 60 and over were also observed in 2015.

Sex ratio stands at 102 males per 100 females

The sex ratio in the province of Oriental Mindoro was computed at 102 in 2020. This means that there were 102 males for every 100 females. The sex ratio in 2015 was slightly higher at 103 males per 100 females. (Figure 1)

Figure 1. Sex Ratio by Selected Age Group,
Oriental Mindoro: 2020

Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, 2020 Census of Population and Housing 

In 2020, children aged below 15 years had a sex ratio of 107 males per 100 females, while those aged 15 to 64 years had a sex ratio of 104 males per 100 females. Moreover, among those aged 65 years and over, the sex ratio was 70 males per 100 females. This depicts a longer life expectancy among females than males or a higher mortality rate among males than females in the older age groups.

Dependency ratio declines to 60 dependents per 100 persons in the working-age group

The overall dependency ratio of the province was computed at 60, which indicates that for every 100 working-age or economically-active population, there were 60 dependents (51 young dependents and 8 old dependents). This is lower than the dependency ratio in 2015, which was recorded at 65 dependents per 100 working-age population (57 young dependents and 8 old dependents). (Table 1)

Table 1. Age Dependency Ratio of the Household Population by Sex,
Oriental Mindoro: 2020 and 2015

Note:       Details may not add up to total due to rounding off of values.
Sources: Philippine Statistics Authority, 2020 Census of Population and Housing and 2015 Census of Population

There are more males than females in children under five years old

Children below five years old comprised 92,526 or 10.21 percent of the province’s household population. This was slightly lower than 97,099 children or 11.54 percent posted in 2015. The sex ratio remained at 107 males per 100 females in 2015 and 2020. (Figure 2 and Table B)

Figure 2. Population of Children aged 0 to 4 Years Old by Sex,
Oriental Mindoro: 2020 and 2015

Sources: Philippine Statistics Authority, 2020 Census of Population and Housing and 2015 Census of Population

Two in every five household population are of school age

In 2020, the school-age population (5 to 24 years old) accounted for 371,388 persons (40.96%) of the province’s household population compared to the 355,876 persons (42.29%) school-age population that was reported in 2015. Males in this age group got a bigger share of 51.43 percent in 2020 which was slightly lower than its 51.46 percent share five years ago. (Figure 3 and Table B)

Figure 3. Distribution of School-age Population by Sex,
Oriental Mindoro: 2020 and 2015

Sources: Philippine Statistics Authority, 2020 Census of Population and Housing and 2015 Census of Population

Youth accounts for 28 percent of the household population

Youth or persons whose age ranges from 15 to 30 years totaled to 257,332 or 28.38 percent of the household population in 2020. This was higher than 233,966 persons (27.80%) recorded in 2015.  The sex ratio for this age group was pegged at 104 males per 100 females in 2015 and 2020. (Figure 4 and Table B)

Figure 4. Percentage Share of Youth Population to the Household Population,
Oriental Mindoro: 2020 and 2015

Sources: Philippine Statistics Authority, 2020 Census of Population and Housing and 2015 Census of Population

In the Philippines, individuals belonging to this age group are considered of voting age for the Sangguniang Kabataan in accordance with Republic Act No. 8044, otherwise known as the Sangguniang Kabataan Act of 2015.

Nearly three in every five household population are of voting age

The voting-age population (18 years old and over) accounted for 61.68 percent (559,230 persons) of the household population in 2020, down from 58.63 percent (493,447 persons) in 2015. The sex ratio for this age group remained at 100 males per 100 females in 2015 and 2020. (Figure 5 and Table B)

Figure 5. Voting-age Population by Sex,
Oriental Mindoro: 2020 and 2015

Sources: Philippine Statistics Authority, 2020 Census of Population and Housing and 2015 Census of Population

Senior citizens constitute nearly 9 percent of the household population

In the Philippines, people aged 60 years old and over are regarded as senior citizens pursuant to the Republic Act No. 7432. They made up 8.66 percent (78,544 persons) of the household population of Oriental Mindoro in 2020. This was higher than the 7.42 percent (62,463 persons) recorded in 2015.  Females (56.14%) outnumbered males (43.86%) among the senior citizens, which translates to the sex ratio of 78 males per 100 females.  The same trend was observed in 2015 where the sex ratio was also at 78 males per 100 females. (Figure 6 and Table B)

Figure 6. Senior Citizen Population, Oriental Mindoro: 2020 and 2015

One out of two female household population is of reproductive age

Women of reproductive age (15 to 49 years old) in the province totaled to 226,270 women or 50.53 percent of the 447,758 female household population in 2020. These figures were slightly higher compared with the 49.55 percent (205,610 female household population) posted in 2015. (Figure 7 and Table B)

Figure 7. Percentage Share of Women of Reproductive Age to Female
Household Population, Oriental Mindoro: 2020 and 2015

Sources: Philippine Statistics Authority, 2020 Census of Population and Housing and 2015 Census of Population

Aging index increases by 5.71 points from 21.34 in 2015 to 27.05 in 2020

In the province of Oriental Mindoro, the aging index or the proportion of persons aged 60 years and over per 100 persons under the age of 15 years was computed at 27.05 percent in 2020. This means that there are 27 persons aged 60 years and over for every 100 children under 15 years old. In 2015, the aging index was 5.71 points lower at 21.34. (Figure 8)

Figure 8. Aging Index, Oriental Mindoro: 2020 and 2015

Sources: Philippine Statistics Authority, 2020 Census of Population and Housing and 2015 Census of Population


Regional Director



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