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Date of Release: 01 March 2025
Reference No. P51-SR2025-34



The 2020 Census of Population and Housing (CPH) recorded a total population of 525,354 in Occidental Mindoro. Specifically, 521,444 individuals (99.3%) were enumerated within private households, representing the household population, and 3,910 individuals (0.7%) were counted in institutional settings representing the institutional population.

San Jose municipality constituted 29.2 percent of the total population in 2020. The demographic breakdown within the municipality revealed 75,013 females, corresponding to 14.3 percent of the total population, and 78,254 males, corresponding to 14.9 percent of the total population. (Table 1 and Figure 1)



Out of the total 3,910 individuals residing in institutional settings across the province, a significant majority, 3,706, are male, while only 204 are female. A striking disparity in the overall institutional population between men and women was observed. In several municipalities, the number of men within institutions far surpasses that of women such as Sablayan which exhibited the most pronounced difference, with 2,768 men compared to a mere 26 women. (Table 2)

Of the household population in 2020, females accounted for 48.7 percent while males accounted for the remaining 51.3 percent. Men slightly outnumbered women, with 267,744 males compared to 253,700 females. (Table 3) By age group, there were 86,145 females, and 93,311 males aged below 15 years old (young dependents). Females aged 15 to 64 years (working age or economically active population) totaled to 153,272, while those in age group 65 years and over (old dependents) comprised 14,283. On the other hand, males aged 15 to 64 years and 65 years and above accounted for 163,007 and 11,426, respectively. (Figure 2) A consistent trend observed in the young dependent population persists into the working-age demographic, characterized by a male numerical preponderance, though with diminishing disparities across specific age ranges. Conversely, a reversal of this trend occurs within the older dependent population, wherein females surpass males, particularly in the 80 years and over age bracket. This aligns with the global trend of women having longer life expectancies.



Occidental Mindoro registered a sex ratio of 106, in 2020. This means that there were 106 males for every 100 females. Population aged below 15 years had a sex ratio of 108 males per 100 females. Moreover, among those aged 65 years and over, the sex ratio was 80 males per 100 females. (Table 4 and Figure 3)



The overall age dependency ratio in Occidental Mindoro was computed at 65, which indicates that for every 100 working-age or economically active population, there were about 65 dependents (57 young dependents and 8 old dependents). Age dependency ratio in male population was slightly lower at 64 (57 young dependents and 7 old dependents) than that of females at 66 (56 young dependents and 9 old dependents). (Table 5 and Figure 4)



Vital Statistics

In terms of registered live births by place of occurrence in 2023, a slight prevalence of male births was observed. More males (3,725 or 51.85 percent) were born than females (3,459 or 48.15 percent) which resulted to a sex ratio of birth at 108 males per 100 females in Occidental Mindoro. (Figure 5)



The gender distribution of births across the municipalities generally follows the overall trend of slightly more male births. However, some municipalities show a more balanced distribution such as Lubang or even a slight predominance of female births such as Calintaan, Looc, Paluan, and Santa Cruz. (Table 6 and Figure 6)



In 2023, male deaths accounted for a larger share, with 1,655 death registrations or 57.8 percent, compared to female deaths at 1,208 or 42.2 percent of the total death registrations of Occidental Mindoro. (Figure 7)



Among males, the highest proportion of deaths occurred at the ages of 65 to 69 years old, constituting 203 or 12.3 percent of the total male deaths. In contrast, among females, the largest proportion of deaths was observed in the oldest age group, 85 years old and over, comprising 208 or 17.2 percent of the total female deaths. (Table 7 and Figure 8)



In 2023, the total number of marriages registered in Occidental Mindoro was 2,582. Among the municipalities within the province, San Jose recorded the highest number of registered marriages, with 536 occurrences, representing 20.8 percent of the provincial total. Followed by Sablayan with 446 registered marriages, accounting for 17.3 percent, and Abra de Ilog recorded 414 marriages, constituting 16.0 percent of the total. (Table 8 and Figure 9)



Majority of the brides were married between the ages of 25 and 29, representing 867 marriages, or 33.6 percent of the total marriages. A comparable trend was observed among grooms, with the 25-to-29 age group accounting for the largest proportion of marriages, specifically 894, which constitutes 34.6 percent of the total marriages in 2023. (Table 9 and Figure 10)






Chief Statistical Specialist






In conjunction with the annual observance of National Women's Month in March, dedicated to recognizing women's accomplishments and addressing persistent equality challenges, crucial data concerning the status of women and men is released. This information serves as a valuable resource for stakeholders committed to fostering a more inclusive and equitable future.

Definition of Terms

Population Census refers to the systematic process of gathering, analyzing, and publishing demographic, economic, and social data for all individuals within a specified territory.

Total Population refers to the aggregate of household and institutional populations, including Filipino nationals residing in Philippine embassies, consulates, and missions abroad.

Household Population consists of individuals belong to the household, the basic criterion of which is the usual place of residence or the place where the person usually resides. 
Household is a social unit comprising either a single individual or a group of individuals residing in the same housing unit, sleeping and sharing common food preparation and consumption arrangements.

Sex ratio is the ratio of males to females in a given population, expressed as the number of males per 100 females.

Age, as defined for the 2020 census, is the duration between an individual's birthdate and the census reference date (1 May 2020), expressed in completed years as of their last birthday.

Overall Dependency Ratio refers to the ratio of persons in the dependent ages (under 15 years old and over 64 years old) to persons in the economically active or working ages (15 to 64 years old) in the population.

Vital Statistics are generated from data recorded in civil registers at the time of vital events.

Live Birth is a complete expulsion or extraction of a product of conception, irrespective of pregnancy duration, showing any sign of life after separation.

Marriage is a legal, permanent union between a man and a woman for conjugal and familial purposes.

Death refers to the permanent cessation of all vital functions after a live birth, with no capacity for resuscitation.

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Women and Men in Occidental Mindoro

The 2020 Census of Population and Housing (CPH) recorded a total population of 525,354 in Occidental Mindoro. Specifically, 521,444 individuals (99.3%) were enumerated within private households,…