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Fruit Crops Production in Marinduque declined by 3.0 percent

Marinduque's total fruits production declined by 3.0 percent from 1,380.30 metric tons in 2021
to 1,338.58 metric tons in 2022.

The main contributors to the decrease in production were mainly attributed to the decline of production of Mango and Watermelon (Table 2). In 2022, Mango production was 20.91 metric tons, 47.1 percent lower from previous year's level of 39.53 metric tons (Table 2). Likewise, Watermelon's production of 215.19 metric tons declined by 37.0 percent compared to previous years harvest of 341.77 metric tons (Table 2).

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Fruit Crops Production by Quarter

In both 2021 and 2022, the production of fruit crops showed a fluctuating trend from the first to
the fourth quarter. Figure 2 indicates that the production reached its highest point in the second
quarter and its lowest point in the fourth.

In comparison to 2021, production in 2022 had an increasing trend from Quarter 1 to Quarter 3.
In Quarter 1, production increased by 20.2 percent, in Quarter 2, by 13.6 percent, and in Quarter
3, by 13.5 percent. However, Quarter 4 of 2022 revealed a 25.0 percent drop from 2021 figures. 

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Banana was the most produced fruit crop in Marinduque

In 2022, banana crops accounted for 38.6 percent of all fruit crops produced in the province (Table 2). Bananas are divided into five varieties namely: banana saba, banana latundan,banana others, banana lakatan, and banana bungulan.

Out of the five banana varieties, the banana saba variety accounted for over half of the total production, with a 49.0 percent share, while the banana bungulan type shared the least, with a 7.0 percent share.

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The second highest produced was watermelon with 16.1 percent share.

Avocado came third with 132.20 metric tons, which accounted for 9.9 percent of total fruit crop production. It was higher by 24.0 percent compared to 106.66 metric tons in 2021.

Pomelo, on the other hand, was the least produced crop in 2022, accounting for just 1.9 percent of total production. Its production was 22.7 percent less than that of 2021.

Calamansi recorded the second lowest production with 2.7 percent share, followed by chico with 2.8 percent share to the total fruit crops production in 2022.

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Crops Production Survey (CrPS) is a quarterly survey which aims to generate basic production statistics for crops other than palay and corn at the national, regional and provincial levels. Twenty major crops under the Other Crops sub-sector are highlighted in the Value of Production in Philippine Agriculture and Fisheries. The CrPS covers more than 280 crops sub-classified under three commodity groupings namely: (1) Non-Food and Industrial Crops, (2) Fruit Crops and (3) Vegetables and Root Crops.

Crop Production refers to the quantity produced and harvested for a particular crop during the reference period. It includes those measured but damaged, stolen, given away, consumed, given as harvester's share, and reserved.

Area Planted is the actual physical area planted measured in hectares. This generally applies to area reported for permanent crops and multi-harvest temporary crops.

Area Harvested is the actual area from which harvests are realized expressed in hectares. This excludes crop area which was damaged. It may be smaller than area planted.

Bearing Trees/Hills/Vines refer to the number of trees/hills/vines where harvesting has been made in the past and may or may not have borne fruits during the reference period due to cyclical production pattern of the crop. Hills apply for banana. Vines apply for grapes watermelon and the like.


Approved for Release:


Chief Statistical Specialist



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