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The Province of Occidental Mindoro Accounts for 12.5 Percent to the Economy of MIMAROPA Region from 2018 to 2020

Release Date:
Reference Number: 2021-01

The economy of the Province of Occidental Mindoro amounted to a three-year average of 46.45 billion pesos from 2018 to 2020. This accounted for 12.5 percent to the 371.64 billion pesos economy of MIMAROPA region for the same period.
Among the three major industries of the provincial economy, Services was the main driver with 44.6 percent average share for the three-year period. This was followed by Agriculture forestry and fishing with 28.9 percent, while Industry had 26.5 percent share.


In terms of growth, Occidental Mindoro recorded 2.5 percent growth in 2019. However, it declined at -4.2 percent in 2020 as recorded by the downturn of economic activities in ten of the 16 industries of the provincial economy. Industries posted positive growths are: Electricity, steam, water and waste management; Manufacturing; Public administration and defense; Compulsory social activities; Mining and quarrying; Information and communication; and Financial and insurance activities.
Of the 4.3 percent economic growth registered in MIMAROPA Region in 2019, the Province of Occidental Mindoro ranked fourth, with 0.3 percentage point contribution. Meanwhile in 2020, the province contributed -0.5 percentage point to the -7.6 percent decline of the entire region.
The Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) which was established through Republic Act No. 10625 or The Philippine Statistical Act of 2013, is tasked, among others, to compile and maintain macroeconomic accounts and indicators, at the national and subnational level. At the provincial level, the Provincial Product Accounts (PPA) is the tool to measure the economic performance of the province or highly urbanized cities (HUCs) at a given time.
Starting this year, the PSA will annually release the provincial level economic performances following the identified pilot provinces and HUCs. The Province of Occidental Mindoro is one of the pilot provinces for PPA in 2021.
For full report, statistical tables, and visuals on the PPA releases, please visit our website at or at PSA Provincial Office with contact details below:
Occidental Mindoro Provincial Statistical Office Ramirez-Lopez Condominium, Rizal St.
Barangay 3, Mamburao, Occidental Mindoro Telephone No: (043) 711-9982

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