The economy of the City of Puerto Princesa grew by 10.6 percent in 2023 from its 2022 level, the fastest among all provinces and Highly Urbanized City (HUC) in the region during the period. This was followed by the provinces of Romblon, Marinduque, and Oriental Mindoro. These four economies posted GDP growth higher than the regional GDP growth rate of 4.7 percent. (Figure 1)

Among the 16 industries, faster growths were observed in Accommodation and food service activities with 38.6 percent, followed by Other services with 20.6 percent, and Public administration and defense; compulsory social security with 15.9 percent. (Figure 2)

Full data series, charts, and data visuals of the results of the Provincial Product Accounts (PPA) of the City of Puerto Princesa can be accessed at the PPA landing page of the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) (, and the PSA Regional website (
(Supervising Statistical Specialist)