Annual Report
As we reflect on the past year, it is with great excitement to present the 2023 Annual Report of the MIMAROPA Region. This comprehensive document encapsulates our collective efforts, accomplishments, and the remarkable journey we undertook together in the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) MIMAROPA.
In this report, you will find a detailed account of the milestones achieved across various projects. Each page is a testament to the dedication, resilience, and ingenuity of the people behind PSA MIMAROPA.
Key highlights of the 2023 Annual Report include: 1) 2nd MIMAROPA Data Festival; 2) Monthly Inflation Press Conferences; 3) 7th MIMAROPA Civil Registrars’ Interface; 4) Launching of PSA Data Enclave; and 5) 2022 Census of Agriculture and Fisheries (CAF) Press Launch.
The 2023 Annual Report is a reflection of our shared commitment to PSA’s goal and the positive impact we strive to achieve. I encourage each of you to take the time to peruse the report, as it not only commemorates our successes but also sets the stage for future endeavors.