As of January 17, 2024, Nine Hundred Eighty-Five Thousand Five Hundred Three (985,503) Palaweños have been successfully registered in the Philippine Identification System. This represents 89.0% of the population aged five (5) years and over, based…
The Philippine Identification System (PhilSys) Step 2 Registration of the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) Oriental Mindoro has successfully registered 707,690 Mindoreños or 87.0 percent of the 813,589 target 2020 Census of Population and…
The Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) Oriental Mindoro continues the conduct of School Mobile Registration in different municipalities of the province. This strategy aims to register and capture biometric information of teachers, and students…
The Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) is obligated under the PhilSys Act or Republic Act No. 11055 to establish a thorough identification system for all Filipino citizens, called the Philippine Identification System.
The Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) is obligated under the PhilSys Act or Republic Act No. 11055 to establish a thorough identification system for all Filipino citizens, called the Philippine Identification System.
On August 3, 2023, the Philippine Statistics Authority- Palawan Provincial Statistical Office Chief Statistical Specialist Maria Lalaine M. Rodriguez together with Registration Officer II Romelita F. Hernandez and PhilSys Provincial Focal Person…