WHEREAS, the annual observance of the National Statistics Month (NSM) is pursuant to Presidential Proclamation No. 647 declaring the month of October of every year as the National Statistics Month;
WHEREAS, the annual celebration of the NSM aims to: (a) promote, enhance, and instill awareness and appreciation of the importance and value of statistics to different sectors of the society; and (b) elicit the cooperation and support of the general public in upgrading the quality and standards of statistics in the country;
WHEREAS, the PSA organizes the 3rd PSA Quiz Bee as part of the celebration of the 34th NSM;
WHEREAS, the annual conduct of the PSA Quiz Bee aims to reinforce the importance of data-driven decision and statistical literacy for national development;
WHEREAS, representatives from different Regional Statistics Committees shall be chosen as quiz bee contestants, with the exclusion of PSA employees and relatives within the fourth degree of affinity and consanguinity;
WHEREAS, the regional champion of the 3rd PSA Quiz Bee Regional
Championship will be the official representative of the MIMAROPA region in the 3rd PSA Quiz Bee National Finals on 05 October 2023;
RESOLVED, AS IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED, That RSC MIMAROPA enjoins the members to support and participate in the 3 rd PSA Quiz Bee;
RESOLVED FINALLY, That all the concerned regional line agencies, local government units, public and private higher education institutions, and nongovernment organizations be copied with this resolution for information and support;
Done this 11th day of August in the year of our Lord Two Thousand and TwentyThree in Calapan City.