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Approving The Creation of the Sectoral Working Groups for the Formulation and Implementation of the MIMAROPA Regional Statistical Development Program 2023-2029

Resolution Number: 2023-07
Release Date:

WHEREAS, one of the objective of the Republic Act 10625, otherwise known as the Philippine Statistical Act of 2013, is to support the decentralization through the establishment of statistical infrastructures necessary to service all statistical needs of local development planning;

WHEREAS, the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) Board Resolution No. 05, s. 2015, established the Regional Statistics Committees (RSCs) as the highest policymaking body on statistical matters in their respective regions that provide direction and guidance to local statistics development activities;

WHEREAS, PSA Board Resolution No. 04, s. 2017, designated every RSC to serve as Steering Committee and provide guidance and directions in the formulation of their respective Regional Statistical Development Program (RSDP);

WHEREAS, one of the powers and functions of RSC as provided in PSA Board Resolution No. 05, s. 2015, PSA Board Resolution No. 03, s. 2017, and PSA Board Resolution No. 01, s. 2018, is to create an inter-agency Statistical Working Groups (SWGs), as the need arises, that could attend to technical· issues and problems and that RSC supervises all activities of these working groups;

WHEREAS, there is a need to enhance the regional and local statistical system to address more effectively the statistical requirements, and take into account the peculiarities of the MIMAROPA Region and its local government unit, and those of the policy makers at the local level;

WHEREAS, there is a need to create SWGs that will convene and hold meetings in order to discuss, formulate and deliberate each chapter of the MIMAROPA RSDP 2023-2029, and to facilitate the implementation of various statistical development programs stated in the MIMAROPA RSDP 2023-2029;


RESOLVED AS IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED, That the RSC MIMAROPA approves the creation of SWGs for the formulation of the MIMAROPA RSDP 2023-2029, to wit: a) SWG on the Regional Statistical System-wide
Concerns, b) SWG on the Social Statistics, c) SWG on the Economic
Statistics, and d) SWG on the Environment and Multi-domain Statistics.

RESOLVED FURTHER, that the Chairperson, Vice Chairperson and Sector Specialists shall be designated by the RSDP Steering Committee and shall form part of the organizational set-up of each SWG as stated
in Annex 2023-07-A.

RESOLVED FURTHER, that each SWG shall follow the Terms of Reference stipulated in Annex 2023-07-B herewith attached.

RESOLVED FINALLY, That all agencies concerned be copied of this resolution for information and support.

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