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Approving and Adopting the MIMAROPA Regional Statistical Development Program (RSDP) 2023-2029

Resolution Number: 2024-12
Release Date:

WHEREAS, Section 6 of the Republic Act 10625 mandates the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) to prepare the Philippine Statistical Development Program (PSDP) in consultation with the PSA Board;

WHEREAS, the Regional Statistics Committee (RSC) provides direction and guidance to the regional and local statistical activities and serve as venue for discussion and resolution of statistical issues at the local level;

WHEREAS, the Regional Statistical Development Program (RSDP) is the regional version of the PSDP which sets the directions and thrusts of the regional statistical system in the medium term;

WHEREAS, the RSDP supports the statistical requirements of the Regional Development Plan (RDP) and other local development plans, and integrates the statistical development programs and activities of the government in the region to address the needs of the data users and stakeholders;

WHEREAS, the MIMAROPA RSDP 2023-2029 envisions a responsive, relevant, and well-coordinated MIMAROPA Regional Statistical System that provides quality statistics for evidence-based planning and decision- making towards improved and sustained quality of life of the MIMAROPAns;

WHEREAS, RSC MIMAROPA approved Resolution No. 2023-01 enjoining RLAs, LGUs, and SUCs to provide the PSA MIMAROPA with key developments, issues and challenges, and proposed statistical development programs to be enrolled in the MIMAROPA RSDP 2023-2029;


RESOLVED AS IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED, to approve and adopt the MIMAROPA RSDP 2023-2029.

1. Endorse the RSDP to the Development Administration Committee and the Regional Development Council MIMAROPA, for adoption of all implementing agencies and data-producing agencies;
2. Enjoin all agencies in the regional statistical system to cooperate in the implementation of the MIMAROPA RSDP 2023 -2029;
3. Enjoin all concerned agencies to assign or designate their respective technical staff as the MIMAROPA RSDP Focal Person in charge of monitoring and reporting of all accomplishments or updates on their statistical development programs, activities and projects to the PSA MIMAROPA; and
4. Direct PSA MIMAROPA to disseminate the MIMAROPA RSDP 2023-2029 to all stakeholders in the government and the private sectors;

RESOLVED FINALLY, That copies of this resolution be furnished to all concerned agencies and offices.


Done this 9th day of August in the year of our Lord Two Thousand and Twenty-Four in Quezon City.

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